Filtered by: tags=angular

Enabling click on Material Badge component

Feb. 14, 2023 |  material  angular  badge 
In Angular Material, badge elements are declared as a directive on the host element around which the badge is to be placed. Depending on the value of other related directives, the badge is placed before or after and above or below the element. But if you t

Paginated Responses in NgRx/Data

Dec. 22, 2020 |  ngrx  ngrx/data  django  angular 
This is a quick post on how to support paginated GET responses in NgRx/Data. Like many other posts, done primarily with the objective of recording my research output while sharing it with others who might need it. (Quick google searches did not yield much

Reflecting server errors in Angular form validation

Feb. 12, 2020 |  ionic  REST  validation  angular 
Here's some sample code that shows how to display server validation errors sent by a django-restframework REST server. Specifically, note how `ngIf` & `ngFor` tags are used to conditionally detect and display error messages set on individual controls. The