Reflecting server errors in Angular form validation
Here's some sample code that shows how to display server validation errors sent by a django-restframework REST server. Specifically, note how `ngIf` & `ngFor` tags are used to conditionally detect and display error messages set on individual controls. The
How to programmatically emulate Appple special keys such as media navigation & power keys
Media keys along with some other keys are not handled through the standard apple keyboard event subsystem. They are treated differently, and therefore emulating them from software requires special code (EventTap won't work!). Here's a function that does th
Converting a std
An excellent piece of code to do the above is [here]( Again, thanks to this [gist](
Set/get volume in OS X
How to get/set master volume in OS X. Many sample codes online use the deprecated API. This uses the currently 'legal' API. Adapted from this SO post.